A Retirement Career
Repeated surveys have shown that nearly two-thirds of today’s Baby Boomers plan to keep working and earning an income during retirement, in other words, have a retirement career. At the same time, Boomers frequently reject the idea of full-time paid work, opting instead for work arrangements that provide flexibility and personal fulfilment.
While later-life workers are choosing to stay longer in the workforce, the notion of “ideal” work at this career stage is very different from earlier phases. For many, the goal is to scale back to pursue part-time or flexible work arrangements that allow more time for personal interests and priorities. For others, it is to “retire” from one type of career and launch an entirely new one. Still others seek paid or unpaid work to pursue social goals, and give back to their communities.
In Canada, the average life expectancy is now approaching 81 years. As people live longer, healthier and more active lives, planning for later life must include consideration of how they will spend their time in activities – whether paid or unpaid – that will both challenge and engage them, and provide a sense of meaning and purpose.
Who might consider retirement-career coaching?
There is no fixed schedule for planning a retirement career, but among those who have found coaching valuable are:
- workers 10 to 15 years from retirement, who want to reassess their priorities through the final years of their careers, and get a head start preparing for the next phase
- individuals who embrace the opportunity to pursue new work interests after retirement, but need help to evaluate their options and decide what’s right for them
- individuals who know what they want to do post-retirement, but are uncertain of the steps needed to turn their dreams into reality
How will retirement-career coaching help you?
Making career/life choices through careful planning and preparation leads to:
- a smoother and more successful transition to the next phase
- greater happiness and fulfillment
How does retirement-career coaching work?
Insight to Action provides a comprehensive later-life planning process to help you sort through these important life decisions. The process culminates in the development of a vision for your post-retirement future and actionable strategies to achieve it. The process includes:
- self-reflection exercises and assessments to uncover interests, values and personality style characteristics that are essential to determining retirement work options that are right for you
- guided research into potential career options
- development of a transition strategy and action plan
- coaching through implementation of the plan that, depending on the circumstances, may include:
- work-search support such as networking, resume-building, interview training
- assessing suitability for self-employment, market strategy consultation, Linkedin profile development and referral to other development resources as needed
How has retirement career coaching helped others?
“Prior to our coaching work together I knew that things were no longer feeling right but could not identify what it was or how to fix it. The kids had been launched and work was still successful but I was not happy. With your help I was able to distinguish between success and happiness-a remarkable insight! With that knowledge we were able to determine what is important in my life, what needs to be deleted or reduced and what needs to be added in. We re-prioritized and developed a plan that now includes some work, my personal interests and more social life. Thank you so much for your fine coaching/counselling skills and patience to see me through this process.”
A successful business owner who sought coaching to reassess work life commitments in later life.