Future-Proof your Career

“It is not the strongest in the species that survives nor the most intelligent that survives.  It is the one that is most adaptable to change.”  Charles Darwin We live in turbulent times.   Advancements in technology are dramatically changing the nature of our world.  The rapid growth of online shopping, disruption in the taxi and hotel industries created by Uber and Airbnb, the decline in the publishing industry – these are just a few examples the impact of new technologies on our economy and our work.   And the pace will only intensify as we move toward the 4th industrial revolution…

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Does Your Career Fit?

Five Ways to Measure your Career Fit If you’re looking for a new suit of clothes, it’s pretty straightforward to determine what fits. Is it your size, a colour you like, the right fabric for the season and so on? Unfortunately, it’s not quite so clear when it comes to your career. As a career coach for over 30 years, I believe that poor career fit is the most common reason people don’t achieve the success they’re capable of in their work … and experience much unhappiness as a result. Five Factors to Determine your Career Fit Fit with your…

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Career Mistakes People Make and How to Fix Them

Career Mistakes from 30 Years of Client Experience After almost 30 years listening to client’s experiences on their career journeys it’s clear that there are some things not to do if you want to minimize the bumps along the way.  As we reassess and recharge at the beginning of a New Year, here’s my take on the top six career mistakes people make and how to fix them. Not Taking Charge Of all career mistakes, this is the most serious of all — not realizing that your career future is up to you.  Too often I see people who let…

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